Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Math Trivia

      We are having our project in this semester, that is making a trivia in algebra. We make it with algebraic expression, then when we are done we give it to our friends and try to solve it. Then if we get some, we have to solve one by one and match with the answer below.Then after you solve everything put the letter in the box.

You have to need some patience on it, because if you are not patience you will imminently give up. then you need some creativity to do the coloring and make it nice. Then after that, you really need some patience, because it is really scrambled so you really need some patience. I have to need some curiosity for doing it, because we have to try and try when solving the problem.

What i've learn in this project is to be more patience, and enjoy doing it. I cannot do it by myself, i have to need some help with my friends, cause it is a quite hard project, so i have to need some help with my friends. i also need to be patience doing it, and be creative. 

I'm not confident giving my puzzle to my friends, cause maybe there is some mistakes in my puzzle. To be honest im not good in algebra, because its quite hard, so im not really confident doing my friends puzzle. Thats all, Thank you for reading...

1 komentar:

  1. Billy, it is good for you to realize the importance of patience in this activity. It is important in any activity actually. Continue being patient and you'll see its effect.
